ITIL Fundamentals

Change Management


ITIL change management is a process designed to understand and minimize risks while making IT changes so that the services could be stable, reliable, and predictable while being able to change rapidly to meet the business needs at the same time.

Types of IT Changes

Standard ChangesChanges to a service or to the IT infrastructure where the implementation process and the risks are known upfront. They are the easiest to prioritize and implement, and often don't require approval from a risk management perspective.
Normal ChangesChanges that must go through the change process before being approved and implemented.
Emergency ChangesArise when an unexpected error or threat occurs, such as when a flaw in the infrastructure related to services needs to be addressed immediately.

KPIs for Change Management

  • Successful Changes: The number of changes that have been completed successfully.
  • Backlog of Changes: The number of changes that are not yet completed.
  • Emergency Changes: The number of completed "emergency" changes.

The Process

  • Creating a Request for Change
  • Reviewing and Assessing a Request for Change
  • Planning the change
  • Testing the change
  • Creating a change proposal
  • Implementing changes
  • Reviewing change performance
  • Closing the process

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Service Asset and Configuration Management